Royal New Zealand Armoured Corps Oral History Collection
The Royal New Zealand Armoured Corps (RNZAC) Oral History Collection consists of 60 interviews with members of the RNZAC covering the post-WWII period, as a resource for a future official history of the RNZAC. The interviewees are representatives from the units, organisations and formations of the RNZAC, who describe their early lives and education, the vehicles and equipment at the time and their experiences as members of the RNZAC. Interviewees’ have also included photographs and documents relevant to their oral history.
Topics covered include Compulsory Military Training, National Service, army life, RNZAC Regular Force and Territorial Force units, training at Waikato, Waiouru, Trentham and Burnham, and nursing at Waiouru Hospital. Also described are, J Force, K Force, Malayan Emergency, Indonesian Confrontation in Malaysia, V Force, and UN peace-keeping operations in India, Pakistan, Angola, Cambodia, East Timor, Middle East, Bosnia and the Provincial Reconstruction Team in Afghanistan
Interviewees are WO2 Leonard Arthur Appleford, Maj Roger Ballance, Maj Paul William Andrews Bevin, WO2 Murray Thomas Blackley, 2Lt Ian Bell Blair, Col Ian Moorcroft Bolton, Lt Col Geoffrey Thomas Bowes, Col James Brown, Lt Col Colin Charles Brown, Maj David John (Jack) Brunton, Cpl Albert Ronald (Blue) Burrell, WO2 Peter Alfred Callahan, Sgt Leslie McGregor Cantwell, Cpl Ian Gerald Cawte, Col Brian David Chippindale, Maj Anthony Connell, WO1 Christopher Andrew Cooper, Lt Col James Coubrough, Sgt Pedro Leonardo de Treend, WO2 Barry William Downs, Lt Col Micheal Bruce Ormond Duncan, Capt Robert Hugh Duncan, Brig Ian James Duthie, Maj Cyril Patrick Dyson, Capt Robert William Fox, Maj Richard Sibbald Fox, S Sgt Arthur George Frederikson, Col William Alexander French, Col David John Grant, Brig John Harold Gray, Capt William Ballantine Grupen, WO1 Michael Joseph Gullery with his wife, Ethne Gullery, Col Harold Thomas Harris, Lt & QM David Seton Harrison, WO2 Paul Winston Hawke, Lt Teresa Holder (nee Mortimer), Maj David Stewart Johns, Sgt Bruce Martin Keddie, Lt & QM Athol John King, Maj Ian Richard Lambeth, Maj John James Lane, Lt & QM Ronald Charles Lee, Col Trevor John McComish, Maj Colin Geddes McKay, WO1 Morris Raymond Meha, Maj Gen Bruce Meldrum, Capt Noel Peter O'Dwyer, Capt Lawrence Arthur Comyn Pigou, Maj Leslie John Pye, Brig Neville John Reilly, Maj Harry Russell, Lt Col Neal Conelly Schofield, Capt John Hannay Scott, Maj Desmond Dynes Sharp, Lt Col William Alexander Simpson, Col Robert Knight Storey, Major Kevin James Thompson, WO1 William Greening Walker, Maj David Ross Wightman, WO1 Robert George Williams
The RNZAC Oral History Collection is archived with the Oral History and Sound Section of the Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New Zealand. Each interview is covered by a Recording Agreement between the RNZAC Association and the Interviewee.
The RNZAC Association gratefully acknowledges assistance with funding the recording of the Collection by:
- Wellington, Napier and Hastings Branches of the RNZRSA
- The Lottery Grants Board
- The Lion Foundation